Friday, September 2, 2011


I thank the god of my choice that it's Friday. A hard, stressful week and bugger all sleep (no thanks to my noisey neighbour and her middle aged pals who should know that most school kids and workers are probably attempting to sleep in the middle of the night.)
Luckily I have the elegant post-punk, pre-grunge tunes of The Screaming Tribesman to amp me up. (The coffee isn't working.)
On a brighter note there's a fantastic exhibition of wooden surfboards at Artisan Gallery in The Valley. Too tired to write - some pics below. A well written review can be located at Grant Newby's wonderful wooden surfboards site. Have a considerate weekend.


  1. Good stuff Briney! Hope you get a nap

  2. Fully napped, cheers
    I can go without the brine for a few days but need my daily baby sleep!
