Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'm sitting at an old Mac in the kitchen at the end of the Easter - Anzac Day - school holidays while the sun and rain fight it out for my peripheral vision. I'm supposed to be hunting through my archives for some barrel shots of Ben Nothling of Holster Fashion taken on a cold, bleak, rainy day like today - the sort of day when ships get wrecked on beaches while nobody's watching.
Instead, I'm distracting myself by looking at some beautiful blog work by folks who think that Polaroid 100 film rocks. Not a wave among them. The imagery is moving and has the wow factor. I don't know where "the wow factor" comes from - apart from screaming across a good sized wave inside a barrel.
I know it's my reaction to what I'm seeing before me. I'd like my images to have the wow factor but cannot be objective about them. I love every shot I took today. I need a few days away from them before I ponder "what was I thinking?" and press delete. Maybe I should ask The Art Historian who's in the other room listening to some American ladies on TV sitting around a table dissecting the dichotomy that might be Donald Trump. Best not to disturb her.
I get back on task after another coffee and find a couple of sequences of images of Ben. These are from the same wave - only a few seconds but much "wow" apart.

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