Thursday, March 22, 2012


Friends, like most of the iconic structures around the Noosa Shire, this Blog will soon be demolished.

It's replacement is Modyssey (modern + odyssey)

Please follow. Oh and tell your friends the same. Please. Thank you.


  1. Dear Brine Times, we have enjoyed your photography and blog for many a moon. Thank you for sharing. We look forward to following your new adventures. Aloha, Cher and Steve

  2. Many thanks friends. Simply click on the word Modyssey and it will take you there. Aloha

  3. D O N 'T delete it!

    I just found it, and am still going back and discovering and enjoying your old stuff.

    Just leave it up. There's plenty of abandoned blogs out there, and this one is TRULY a gem!

  4. OK - just for you dude, cheers and pls pass on my new blog to surfers, artists over your way
