Monday, October 18, 2010

Stieglitz and Stoke

Thanks to  the epic rains of the last few weeks the sky is impossibly blue and the fields impossibly green for a place that was in drought not so long ago. Not exactly perfect light for monochromes - way too harsh - but what the heck the weather and the waves have been excellent. Today I pay homage to Alfred Stieglitz, an awesome American photographer of the last century when using big sheets of monochromatic film was the only option to choose from. 

 "Photography is not an art. Neither is painting, nor sculpture, literature or music. They are only different media for the individual to express his aesthetic feelings… You do not have to be a painter or a sculptor to be an artist. You may be a shoemaker. You may be creative as such. And, if so, you are a greater artist than the majority of the painters whose work is shown in the art galleries of today."
Alfred Stieglitz 1922


  1. awesome stuff for sure- neil what are you shooting with- dig the square format :)

  2. Glidersan, it could be any of the 20+ cameras I have shot with over the last 35 years - film, digi, 35mm, 6x6, 645, 5x4, hi-fi, lo-fi, - trying to get a consistent "look" via my darkroom in a little white box called Mac.

  3. this post courtesy of a lovely piece of glass F2.8 70-200 mm L series Canon
